So, you had a consultant do mine planning work on your project - great. The consultant used a variety of specialised software packages to do e.g. a Pit Optimisation, Mine Designs and a Mining Schedule - great. The consultant gave you Excel spreadsheets, a PowerPoint presentation with screenshots and a Word document of the work - great. The consultant also showed you on his/her computer what the work looks like in the software - great. But eventually the friendly consultant leaves and you don't have the software to open the work and look again. What if the screenshots don't reveal the ramp you need to see? Or you need to show your colleague all the great work quickly and efficiently, without hunting for those old docs on your computer...
Would it not be great to have all that info easily accessible - like on your very own phone? What if you can view the work properly in 3D, using only your phone? Have a look and decide for yourself...
ANDROID (Samsung8 or newer):
iOS (Iphone 6 or newer):
Kindly visit the website for more info: ""